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ughaz nur ii造句

  • The Ughaz or Sultan of the Gadabuursi, Ughaz Nur II had established strong relations with the Emir of Harar, Abdallah II ibn Ali.
  • However the traditional successor of Ughaz Nur II, Ughaz Robleh II, remained the Sultan of the Gadabuursi's in the borders of Ethiopia.
  • 'Elmi the Tall belonging to one of the Gadabuursi elders was a member of the delegation of Ughaz Nur II that had accompanied his visit to Egypt in late 1870's and he was one of the elders who signed the treaty with the British at Zeila in 1884.
  • In the late 1890s, Elmi the Tall " " Elmi Dheire " " in favour with the British at that time was appointed the Sultan or Ughaz of all the Gadabuursi in the British Protectorate .'Elmi the tall thus supplanted the traditional line that has been in place since the 16th century, the traditional line of Ughaz Nur II and his successor, Ugas Roble II, who had fallen out of favor with the British.
  • It's difficult to see ughaz nur ii in a sentence. 用ughaz nur ii造句挺难的
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